01 februari 2012


Den här månaden tänkte jag haka på fotoutmaningen Photo A Day Challenge. Nån annan som hakat på?

Reglerna är enkla:

1. Use the list above (som ju är below i mitt fall) as inspiration and take a photo everyday. For example for number one on the list, 'your view today' you'd take a shot of whatever it is that you can see today. This would be a wider shot of your office space, where you went for a walk, or whatever it is that you can see!
2. Share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, your blog or where ever it is you want to share. If you're sharing on Instagram or Twitter use the hashtag #FEBphotoaday so everyone can find them. There's a great community around the photo sharing, so do share!
3. Check out everyone else's pictures. I do it before I go to bed each night and it's so fun to see how different everyone's photos are. There are people from every corner of the world playing.

Här är mitt första bidrag, "My view today", min arbetsplats.

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